Monday 18 July 2011

Research into History

The Beginning of Film 1980s

The first films produced were short. Films were very expensive, they didn't have batteries to power cameras etc.
The Lumiere brothers were groundbreaking in the field. Each of there films were 17 metres long, when handcranked translates to 50 seconds. They manly produced 'actualities' that reflected everyday life or mini documentaries. Weren't influenced by anything. Whatever we produce will be post-modern as we will always be influenced by something around us. 
They pioneered not just the technical attributes of the camera but also the artistic attributes 


Tuesday 5 July 2011

About A Girl Response

About a Girl follows a 13 year old working class girl and her stream of consciousness through monologue for 9 minutes and 50 seconds. It is was released in 2001 with a £33,000 budget and since then gone on to win 8 awards for best short film.

When I started watching this, I couldn't get into it and didn't quite understand why they were following this one girl as it was quite boring at the beginning. Then I started to feel a great deal of loneliness for her; especially after her talking about feeling alone and also I felt the grainyness of the picture and grimness of the area set the scene really well and made me evoke those types of feelings. You don't really listen closely to what she is saying in the first viewing - it is until the ending that it really hits you on what the video is about. The second viewing made me want to listen to the dialogue more closely; and through that I heard a lot of irony and childish speech that referred to the ending in such ways. This really made me quite shocked. The Britney Spears' songs also play a big part in the film which you begin to realise too at the end of the first showing. The lyrics to the songs which she sings are about being 'stronger' and 'not being innocent' which provokes the sense that she is in a way a rebel and quite stubborn which is a stereotype for the working class.