Friday 26 August 2011

Title/Logo for the Film

What will the Documentary be known as?

Through research of the band, I have come across three different names which it has been called. One, The Damned. Two, Damned. And three, Damnation. I feel like the 'Damnation' name really symbolises what I want my film to symbolise and is cool and spontaneous so I have decided, for now, to name the film 'the Damnation' with either...

...through Jugg's eyes
..behind the eyes of one guitarist
.. featuring Roman Jugg

As The Damned is a gothic band, the font of the film title must symbolise that. Here are some different fonts which I could use:

'KG Dancing on the Rooftop'
The Damned are a gothic-style band so the font has to connote this. This font would not be suitable as it connotes a nice, friendly and relaxed genre so my audience would be very confused to find the documentary full of punk style songs! 

This font has many of the characteristics I am looking for - the typeface in in upper case letters to make it look like it's being shouted (which is appropriate as it is   for a shouty/gothic band! The writing is thin and rugged looking giving the title a rough and rock 'n' roll feel.

'Signerica Font'
The moment I saw this font, I knew it would not be appropriate as firstly, it would be extremely hard to read with a background of colour associated with videos. It also gives the feel of 'smoothness' as the writing is joined up and flowing. This isn't what I'm looking for! Especially for a gothic, screaming, 80s punk band!!

To conclude, the font I will use as the main title is 'Scorchflash'.

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