Wednesday 10 August 2011


My Proposal for Advanced Portfolio

Name: Anna Bradford
Candidate Number: 5180

Title of Brief: Written brief for Trailer

Outline of Ideas: I have decided that I am going to do a trailer for a documentary on Roman Jugg, the keyboardist and guitarist, of the 80s punk-rock band, 'The Damned'. The reason I have decided on this is because I am very interested in the music industry, as well as PR, therefore think that it would be a perfect idea to put the two together and make a cutting edge trailer for the documentary after interviewing him. 

Before I am able to start interviewing him, I need to do some research on different music documentaries and their trailers to see what is traditional about them and how they are portrayed. 

Auxillary Products: Poster for the film and music magazine cover

Target Audience: (please see powerpoint 'new pitch')

How will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? What is your inspiration? My idea came from my interest in the music industry and also PR. My media production will develop the same conventions of real media documentary trailers such as the unpredictability of what's going to happen and the desire to watch more. Also, I will use ideas such as voiceovers and sound effects.

How will your main product and ancillary texts compliment each other? Besides just having a trailer, every documentary needs to have other ways to market itself to try and increase it's audience. My ancillary texts will be a poster and a review page in order to try and get more awareness of it. The review page will give a background of what the documentary is about and try and make it sound very exciting. The poster will be put in places where my target market are usually pictured or in what they read - such as a newspaper - where it can cover a whole A4 page or so.

How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? The media technologies I will use are imovie and photoshop. As well as a video camera, digital camera and my iphone as a speech-recording device as it produces it clearly.

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