Tuesday 22 November 2011

Ideas for music

The Music

The music in my trailer is going to be of The Damned because that is who the trailer is about!!

Songs I could open with:
I want a song that is catchy and starts light then gets thicker at the beginning.

Neat, Neat, Neath has a good bass line at the beginning to start the trailer.

New Rose is also a very good starter option seeing as it has the talking at the beginning, and is instantly recognisable as being performed by The Damned

Born to Kill has the sort of rhythm that would be good as a song midway into the trailer, or even using the chorus as an ending as the music is pretty much the same the way through.

Stab your Back even, because it is quite repetitive and leaves the audience wondering what's coming next

Sunday 13 November 2011

Type of Documentary

Nichols 5 Different Modes ('91)

In 1991, Nichols identifie five different modes for documentary making in reference to the techniques used. They were:

  • Expository which is a voiceover narration, commenting and explaining to a direct audience. It is mostly used on TV. It will usually develop an argument.
  • Observational This is more like a 'fly on the wall' documentary that attempts to show how the world really is. The audience shouldn't be aware of who the filmmaker is.
  • Participatory It's made explicit that the film is made in the filmmaker's point of view. They use informal interviews and handheld cameras.
  • Reflexive reveals how documentaries are produced as representations based on the manipulation and construction of the image
  • and Performative which challenges the idea of documentary truth. 
My trailer is for a documentary, but the whole documentary that would come out of the trailer I believe would be an Observational type of documentary because its attempting to show people of today who may not have been around in the 70s what the punk scene really was about and who these people are, even how influential they were on music today.

Wednesday 9 November 2011


Screenshots during Editing
*please click pictures to become larger *

This is my first edit of the interview. I am currently cutting out all of the 'umms' and 'aahs', as well as any information I feel I do not need. I want to focus on the thought-provoking things he has said and extend on them. I also would like his personal opinions on things to be in the shot. Once I uploaded this, I realised I had a coathanger in the background (how ANNOYING!) and that I need to crop out on each shot. I will do this when I have finished cutting all of the clips. This is a very long process, but I'm getting there!

I am still lacking in some clips that I need - I still need to record my beginning/ending of the 'Damnation' being written, and also need to download some clips the band playinh, as well as some abstract shots, to follow on from what he is saying so I can use voiceovers.

Tuesday 1 November 2011


The Interview

Last Sunday, I managed to schedule a time where I could interview my subject. I took along my camera and tripod, set it up and made sure the lighting was just how I wanted. I knew that my subject had a very distinctive face that many, who knew the band, would recognise, so attempted to position the light in a way that the shadow would be behind and be reflected onto his face.

My interview ended up being 30 minutes long roughly, and I am currently starting to edit it as I did get some random talking in it! I found the experience extremely interesting - especially what he had to say - and am thinking about changing my format of being a trailer, to being a documentary, as he has been so informative. However, I shall make this decision once I had edited the whole clip, to see how much I could use.