Wednesday 9 November 2011


Screenshots during Editing
*please click pictures to become larger *

This is my first edit of the interview. I am currently cutting out all of the 'umms' and 'aahs', as well as any information I feel I do not need. I want to focus on the thought-provoking things he has said and extend on them. I also would like his personal opinions on things to be in the shot. Once I uploaded this, I realised I had a coathanger in the background (how ANNOYING!) and that I need to crop out on each shot. I will do this when I have finished cutting all of the clips. This is a very long process, but I'm getting there!

I am still lacking in some clips that I need - I still need to record my beginning/ending of the 'Damnation' being written, and also need to download some clips the band playinh, as well as some abstract shots, to follow on from what he is saying so I can use voiceovers.

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