Thursday 1 December 2011

Update (1)

My editing is going well and as to planned. As I am editing, I am coming up with new ideas for camera and the layout of my video. Here are some screenshots of what I have been up to:

My friend kindly gave me some of The Damned's songs, which I chose, to reflect my trailer. It was hard choosing the songs, but once I came across certain ones which you'll hear in the video, I was almost certain I would use them because they have the perfect 'edgyness' to them and provide a sense of excitement. 

Here I have looked at and used some of the footage of The Damned. Due to me not being around at that time, I had to do this. I provided the video with clips because I wanted to offer some verisimilitude to the events, and take my target audience back to that era.

As you can see, I have chosen two types of song in my video, with more to come. This is so my audience don't get bored whilst watching the trailer, and to keep them interested to show a change of mood.

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