Sunday 8 January 2012

Evaluation Prep

Evaluation Preparation

1. How does your media products represent particular social groups?
All my media products are predominantly aimed at middle aged females/males who were around at the time of The Damned. I attempted to show this through a variety of ways in my products. 
The first way I did this was by using a protagonist who was in the same age range as them - who subsequently happened to be Roman Jugg! Throughout the trailer, I get him to talk about things that the target audience could relate to, for instance he talks about Iggy Pop who was an influential musical figure back at that time, that the majority of people would know, and also he refers to the clothes that people wore in that time period. 
Many of the people who liked the Damned would have been quite involved in the punk movement and therefore may still have the characteristics (or at least be able to remember them) of one such as the 'whatever' attitude and rebelliousness which is some characteristics portrayed by Roman Jugg himself.
My poster and magazine cover are quite similar to this. The magazine cover uses an almost 'explicit' picture of him showing his middle finger (which detonated is rude!) that shows the punk characteristics that the social groups could remember from the time period I am aiming for. My poster attempts to represent the particular social group by using the black & white colour scheme with a fluorescent red to signify the confidence of the punk niche, along with a picture of the types of shoes that would have been worn in the days of the Damned.

2. What kind of media institution would distribute your media product and why?
I performed a vast amount of research on the different distribution companies for my trailer. My end result was not what I wanted as I didn't find a completely appropriate company, in my opinion. I felt there was a lack of information on the film posters I were looking at in order to research them and also a lack of companies that were not part of a big media conglomerate. I felt my film needed to be backed by an independent distribution company as the punk era was such a niche at the time.
However, the media institution I ended up using was Channel Four Films (previously Film4 films). I chose this because it was the one used by a couple of documentary films which came over as seemingly independent. However, The Damned were quite a big band in the 70s/80s so I had to chose a distribution company people would have heard of. 

In the case for my music magazine, the distribution company I would use would be Bauer Media Group as it distributes music mags such as MOJO which has a similar genre as the one I want to portray in mine. 

MOJO's Audience Profile Discerning and passionate music aficionados, the MOJO audience is predominantly male (77%) and affluent (63% ABC1). These heavy consumers of music see their passion as discovery without boundaries, genre and decade being secondary to quality.

"Bauer Media reaches over nineteen million UK adults across multiple media channels."

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