Tuesday 3 January 2012

Preliminary task #2

Auxiliary Product #2
Magazine cover

1. I love this photo as I think it totally depicts how I would like my main character to be portrayed - it connotates the characteristics of a punk. I wanted to cut him out of the photo as I wanted to put him on a plain background. I did this by using the magnetic lasso tool. 

2. Next, I created a grey background to mirror the image which I put in black and white so they blend in well together. I decided here that I was going to do a cover of the MOJO magazine as it has the audience profile which is similar to my documentary target audience.

3. As The Damned were the first punk band to have a single out on a real label, I wanted to make the magazine feel very British, so one of the things I included on the front was a 'top 100 Britpunk singles' (which is a spin-off of popular music genre Britpop). To anchor the text, I decided to put a union jack as a background to it as though it were a sticker. I did this by following a tutorial on youtube.

4. Here I had decided that I would go with my own magazine title as I found it hard to copy the same conventions of MOJO which suited my colour schemes and wants of a magazine. I chose the title 'punk.com' because I believe it straightaway tells people what the genre of the magazine is thus stratifying my target audience. I also decided to call it by a website because it shows the different media platforms it can be reaches. It also goes with the idea that our lives have developed through web 2.0.

5. I start to build it more here, and as you can see the title of my documentary has been put on. I have changed it's font to suit the font of the actual documentary so people can associate the two together. I also made it the largest text so people realise it's the main story of the magazine. The red and black colour theme I found by looking at other real media products that showed an element of punk-i-ness to it so I used it to allow my audience to understand what it is. 

6. Here, I have included some text to give a glimpse of what the interview is about. This was a frequent element of all types of magazines. The barcode is very important in that it shows that the product is real. A barcode is on everything someone buys. I put it on there to show some authenticity. 

7. Adding some sub-headings to broaden what the magazine is on - all of which attract a certain audience demographic which is similar to my own (for the documentary).

8. With the addition of the price and date, along with other things, I finally finished.


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