Tuesday 10 January 2012


I found this interesting...

"Music documentaries a tough sell"
In this article I came across, it talks about how 'filmmakers struggles to find a niche that works'. Filmmakers have found it hard to distribute films if there is not a superstar artist and/or a big name director's name attached. 

This made me think of my film and whether or not it would be a big enough sell to be shown in the cinema. It also made me think of my target audience, and the demographics of the population. Was there enough people that would see this in the cinema? Would people be interested in watching it? Even better, would people PAY to see it?

To conclude, I have realised that my documentary would be probably best to be shown on the television rather than the cinema, then be available to purchase online/as a dvd. This gives people the opportunity to watch it first, and then choose to buy it if they liked it. This would mean a lot of advertising would have to be done, to ensure people knew that this was going to be shown. I don't think this would be a profit-maximiser, but I think it will go down well with a good proportion of the public. I will look into this more in my evaluation when I get audience feedback.

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