Friday 26 August 2011

Title/Logo for the Film

What will the Documentary be known as?

Through research of the band, I have come across three different names which it has been called. One, The Damned. Two, Damned. And three, Damnation. I feel like the 'Damnation' name really symbolises what I want my film to symbolise and is cool and spontaneous so I have decided, for now, to name the film 'the Damnation' with either...

...through Jugg's eyes
..behind the eyes of one guitarist
.. featuring Roman Jugg

As The Damned is a gothic band, the font of the film title must symbolise that. Here are some different fonts which I could use:

'KG Dancing on the Rooftop'
The Damned are a gothic-style band so the font has to connote this. This font would not be suitable as it connotes a nice, friendly and relaxed genre so my audience would be very confused to find the documentary full of punk style songs! 

This font has many of the characteristics I am looking for - the typeface in in upper case letters to make it look like it's being shouted (which is appropriate as it is   for a shouty/gothic band! The writing is thin and rugged looking giving the title a rough and rock 'n' roll feel.

'Signerica Font'
The moment I saw this font, I knew it would not be appropriate as firstly, it would be extremely hard to read with a background of colour associated with videos. It also gives the feel of 'smoothness' as the writing is joined up and flowing. This isn't what I'm looking for! Especially for a gothic, screaming, 80s punk band!!

To conclude, the font I will use as the main title is 'Scorchflash'.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

My Focus Group

My Focus Group

Monday 15 August 2011

The Damned

Background Information on The Damned

Before I look further into doing my trailer for a documentary, I must look into the band itself, The Damned, in which Roman came from.

The Damned are an English gothic punk band formed in London in 1976. They were the first punk rock band from the United Kingdom to release a single ("New Rose"), an album (Damned Damned Damned), to have a record on the UK music charts, and to tour the United States. The Damned later evolved into one of the forerunners of the gothic genre. They have incorporated numerous styles into their music and image, including: garage rock, psychedelic rock, cabaret, and the theatrical rock of Screaming Lord Sutch and Alex Harvey.

An acquaintance of Paul Gray (bassist of The Damned), Jugg was hired in late 1981, recording various projects for The Damned. After Captain Sensible left The Damned in 1984, Jugg moved from keyboards to main guitar and became a full member on the studio albums Phantasmagoria and Anything.

Saturday 13 August 2011

New Pitch

                                      A New Idea 



Friday 12 August 2011

Codes and Conventions of Docs

Research into Past Documentaries
and their Trailers
Looking at Common Characteristics

'Madonna: Truth or Dare?'


  • First shot is of star's name - bold so it stands out
  • Voice-over starts off trailer - No other sounds
  • Makes it as though you are living her life infront of the cameras whilst she speaks
  • Music of Madonna takes over
  • Snippets of life as a star taken - what she is put through
  • Fun, energetic music symbolises her personality
  • Different words show that the film looks at different aspects of her life - Sex, Love, Family, Fame
  • Synchronous sound recording
  • Talks about inspiration through the different aspects
  • Use archive materials
  • Show's her normal life as well as looking at her as a star and looks inside all of it
  • Documentary interviewer interacts with subject
  • Borrows techniques from fiction film for an emotional subjective response
'Tom Petty - Runnin' Down a Dream'


  • Sponsored by Warner Brothers
  • Documentary interviewer interacts with subject
  • Voice over of Tom Petty talking about how 'they have heard their story incorrectly over and over' gives the idea that this dvd is about them setting the record straight
  • Footage from a concert
  • Band statistics - albums sold, how many they have played for - (selling themselves)
  • Soundtrack of their music
  • interviews are informal but dominate
  • 'But they've never told their complete story' - makes audience more interested to finally hear their lives from THEIR point of view and not the media's
  • Childhood memoirs
  • Use archive material
  • Synchronous sound recording
  • Rule of thirds when interviewing
  • Flashbacks to different things whilst interviewing eg memories, pictures
  • Black and white close-ups to their specialist instruments
  • Videos of them playing from their past
  • First one interviewed put on the right, second interviewed put on the left
  • Recording studio in the background
  • Next man interviewed just right of the middle and BLACK AND WHITE (others colour)
  • memories are shown as videos and pictures
  • interviews are mid shots, head shots
  • Different aspects of their lives shown
  • Back to interviews - in the middle of the shot
  • Different interviews, different backgrounds
  • Talk over the pictures to explain them
  • Interviews with outside people who were close to band
  • Acoustic and electric sets
  • Voiceovers by all band members relooking their past
  • At least 6+ songs played
  • Last slide is of the title of the documentary, who it's by
'When You're Strange: A film about The Doors'


  • Modern day documentary
  • Documentary interviewer interacts with subject
  • Sponsored by MPAA
  • Variety of Awards it has received (implying it's a great movie)
  • WOLF films
  • Interviews are informal but dominate
  • Starts off with a long shot of a band member
  • Synchronous sound recording
  • Voice over of a quote by a band member
  • Beginning of a loud song by the doors enters whilst 'a film by' comes up
  • voice overs of band members throughout
  • Short films of different things that have happened - funny, crazy, energetic
  • Famous names - Johnny Depp narrating
  • Old interviews with band members
  • Millions of fans
  • Mixture of colour films and black&white
  • Lots of the Doors music soundtrack
  • Use archive materials
  • Footage from gigs
  • News reporter says when Jimmy was found dead
  • It uses the audience and camera flashing to bring up title of film and who it's by (1:56)
'Behind the Music: Guns 'n' Roses' 0:00 - 2:02 << This one is interesting as it is just one episode of a series called 'Behind the Music'. I will look further into this in my next post.

What is 'Behind the Music'? Behind the music is a tv series which aired on VH1 during 1997-2006. The series places it's generality on documentation of musical artists or groups who are interviewed and profiled, and discuss how their careers became successful, and what hardships they undertook. VH1's criterion for choosing the musicians who appear on the show is, in many cases, to profile those who are no longer in the music industry, or were moderately significant in rock history. Here is a list of all the musicians it has accounted for:

This programme i am going to look at is not a trailer, but a documentary. I am looking into this because it is exactly like what i am planning to do for my documentary (but i am doing a trailer). I think this is important to look at as I will have to film a whole interview and choose parts of the interview i would like to showcase on to my trailer and this documentary does exactly the same. I have chosen to look at the Guns 'n' Roses episode, part 1, which i have linked above, below the title of this area.


  • Documentary interviewer interacts with subject
  • Voice over of band member whilst showing clip of concert
  • Rule of thirds when shown part of interview - firstly on the right
  • Background isn't distracting
  • Interview from outside friend of band
  • Clips refer to what the person interviewed is saying
  • Narrator talks about the band and what they did
  • Black&White and colour shots
  • Band soundtrack
  • Voice over the videos
  • What they inspired
  • Synchronous sound recording
  • Person interviewed shown to the left (ROT)
  • Lot's of footage from concerts
  • Narration from third party
  • Energetic, loud soundtrack
  • Transitions are quicker as it gets to the end
  • Music more powerful
  • 'Heartbeat' sound
  • Interviews dominate but are informal

Thursday 11 August 2011

Mood Board

Mood Board for Trailer

Here I have made a mood board with some ideas for the trailer of my documentary. My pictures are mostly from the magazine 'MOJO' and from the internet. I chose the magazine 'MOJO' because it commemorates the sort of musical era i am looking at - the 80s. The pictures also are quite vintage-y looking - black&white and really clever camera shots. I would like to use these sorts of ideas in my trailer because I would like to give the documentary some verisimilitude when my protagonist looks back into his memories - hopefully i am able to re-create them as well. I would also like to make the people watching be able to feel like they are back in the 80s when the rock 'n' roll scene was in full throw so it is vital i do pay attention to little details such as sounds, camera angles, camera styles and backgrounds.

Wednesday 10 August 2011


My Proposal for Advanced Portfolio

Name: Anna Bradford
Candidate Number: 5180

Title of Brief: Written brief for Trailer

Outline of Ideas: I have decided that I am going to do a trailer for a documentary on Roman Jugg, the keyboardist and guitarist, of the 80s punk-rock band, 'The Damned'. The reason I have decided on this is because I am very interested in the music industry, as well as PR, therefore think that it would be a perfect idea to put the two together and make a cutting edge trailer for the documentary after interviewing him. 

Before I am able to start interviewing him, I need to do some research on different music documentaries and their trailers to see what is traditional about them and how they are portrayed. 

Auxillary Products: Poster for the film and music magazine cover

Target Audience: (please see powerpoint 'new pitch')

How will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? What is your inspiration? My idea came from my interest in the music industry and also PR. My media production will develop the same conventions of real media documentary trailers such as the unpredictability of what's going to happen and the desire to watch more. Also, I will use ideas such as voiceovers and sound effects.

How will your main product and ancillary texts compliment each other? Besides just having a trailer, every documentary needs to have other ways to market itself to try and increase it's audience. My ancillary texts will be a poster and a review page in order to try and get more awareness of it. The review page will give a background of what the documentary is about and try and make it sound very exciting. The poster will be put in places where my target market are usually pictured or in what they read - such as a newspaper - where it can cover a whole A4 page or so.

How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? The media technologies I will use are imovie and photoshop. As well as a video camera, digital camera and my iphone as a speech-recording device as it produces it clearly.